November 2017
Known/Unknown was a solo exhibition in tandem with a teaching artists’ residency at the John Michael Kohler Art Center in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
In the digital era, human connection can be built despite physical barriers of walls, miles, and oceans. Because online interactions are not face-to-face, users are free to curate more polished versions of themselves to put out into the world. Social media may be new, but it echoes archaic societal pressures: to put a shiny veneer over the ugly parts of ourselves to create better content for our audiences. Even as we create relationships online, it is impossible to assuredly know the soul on the other side of the screen. This is the conundrum of virtual relationships. Users have greater access to other users and can construct their own image. However, these relationships may lack the depth and vulnerability characteristic of true friendship, resulting in loneliness.
The work in Known Unknowns explores the concepts of femininity, communication, identity, and isolation. Vignettes of life are sequestered behind walls and windows, leaving the viewer with only partial insight into the subject. Visual reference to the Johari Window, in which the artist's self-perceived attributes are compared against those perceived by her peers, expands on the knowledge that there are things about each person that are kept hidden, even from themselves.